Thursday, November 22, 2007

God Bless America

I ate Turducken today. I may die trying to digest but any country that can take a day that should remind people of genocide and turn it into a day about stuffing meat into meat with carbs in between is ok by me.

Saturday, November 03, 2007

Not entirely dead inside?

Why do I cry like a gassy baby every time I watch Armageddon?

Friday, September 07, 2007

Don't forget the candles

You know what song they played in Becoming Part 2 after Buffy had to kill her recently not evil boyfriend? Sarah McLachlan's Full of Grace. Does everyone listen to her after a bad breakup? I preferred Ice Cream myself. Usually best enjoyed whilst consuming a tub of Mint Chocolate Chip or Vanilla Swiss Almond.


Welcome to Hell. Also known as theatre 3 in the Scotiabank-formerly-known-as-Paramount Cinema. Yes Virginia there is a problem with the air conditioning. The problem is when you pack a bunch of sweaty film festival goers into a theatre without A/C things tend to smell, feel and taste a bit like ass.
On to the films. Both of which I watched in said ass-smelling theatre so I'm afraid my thoughts may be coloured with...well ass.
L'avocat de la terreur was just ok. The first 45 minutes or so were very interesting then the narrative sort of fell apart. Or I fell asleep. Did I mention the heat? But seriously the first bit about the Algerian independence was very well thought out and portrayed, but the end - they made Carlos the Jackal just seem like a jealous boyfriend. And the L'avocat de la terreur just seemed like a guy who likes chicks in peril - especially if said chicks have an affinity for incendiary devices and public spaces.
Joy Division was great. Sad and bittersweet with amazing music and great details like how Saville came up with the album cover for Unknown Pleasures without ever hearing the music. Fun for the whole family. If your family enjoys tales of suicidal punk singers.

Thursday, September 06, 2007

And so it begins

I'm sore, my eyes hurt and I smell like sweaty fanboy. Yes, it is festival time again. Just saw my first film, Persepolis and it was great. A very sweet and at times dark story of what it is like to grow up during political upheaval. It was strange to see the similarities that they had in Iran with teenagers everywhere - sneaking out to party, getting in trouble for talking back in school. The difference was the consequences would be much more severe.
The voice actress for the young Marjane may possibly be the cutest sounding little moppet ever. I'm not usually a big fan of child actors (those Fanning girls give me the wiggins) but I love a cute sounding child. Like that little kid from Monster's Inc. So frakking cute.
I digress.
Liked the movie, I didn't cry but I did see some possibly Persian looking folk crying after the movie. I usually break down around the fifth movie, so looking forward to some waterworks later this week.

Saturday, March 24, 2007

You're on notice!

Galactica better not suck this Sunday. I have concerns. They started out the season strong - maybe too strong. Starbuck was stabbing Leobens, Pegasus was blown to bits, Tigh killed his frakking wife and the guy who should be blamed for most of the carnage got to have a three-way with Tricia Helfer and Xena Warrior Princess. But lately I've had the strangest feeling after my weekly voyage with the rag tag fleet. I couldn't put my finger on it until recently, but the feeling was boredom. This show used to snap baby necks with a song in its heart. But now when I've got an angry Boomer threatening Athena over little Hera's crib, all I can do is shrug. The darkness doesn't surprise me anymore - not because I'm dead inside, but because it's just not as entertaining.

So this Sunday I pray to the gods that it doesn't suck.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Sashay Chante

I am seriously too old to be downloading 2U by Keshia Chante right now, but I blame the endless hours I have spent at the gym shedding bank fat. I got old and I got soft and I tried to reverse the process and that damn song plays almost every time I'm about to start pumping out cable crossovers. It's too frakking catchy. I give up. And while I'm at it, frak you too Ted Leo. Like I needed another reason to dance to Since You've Been Gone.

Thursday, January 18, 2007

Wii-shing and hoping

I want a Wii, but I'm scared of it too. Too much fun can be a dangerous thing. People who have been gaming at home for years are reporting damaged furniture, personal injury and in most cases physical exertion and muscle soreness. I feel like it's high school all over again with everyone having sex while I'm waiting on the sidelines. I want it, but much like deciding to not to act like the other girls and be more normal and get my hair done more often I know I don't to get up at 4 in the morning to line up for my Wii.
So I wait, and like in high school the stories of disaster of those who go before me will help me take precautions when it is my turn at bat. We won't have our Wii in the room with the good tv unless we erect some sort of plexi-protective layer in front of it. We will use our Wii in a room with a high ceiling without any overhead lighting. We will wear our protective strap every time, not just in the beginning. We will keep all breakables out of swinging distance. We will be ready. We will be prepared. We will Wii-proof before we party.