Saturday, July 01, 2006

How they Operate

Saw another marvelous fantastic amazing Gomez show this week. Brought a lady friend out for a girl date who had never seen them live and had only heard a few songs, and at about the 10 minute mark she notes "they never sounded this interesting before". After about half an hour she's liking them and by the time they are halfway through the set she loves them. Another convert. They really are one of those bands that you have to see live or at least sit down and really listen to the music. Of course when you tell people that you come off like a pretentious ass, so they ignore you.
On a slightly different topic I have discovered a new cure for fatigue and tummy upset. For the past week I've had a mystery bug that has kept my ass nailed to the shitter and my energy level at zero. I was almost ready to reintroduce solids to the diet, but I had concerns about agitating the burning ring o' fire. But I had to go to the Gomez show, and I couldn't stand around like the old lady I am rapidly becoming. So I gave in to a few cravings and by the end of the opening act [Slow Runner - quite good actually] I felt invincible. Or at least like I could jump up and down to the music without soiling myself.
I share my findings with you here now.
Burger King Whopper with Cheese (just the sandwich) + Red Bull and Vodka + Gomez = Magic.
Can't explain it, but Gomez my ass thanks you too. Great show.