Saturday, March 24, 2007

You're on notice!

Galactica better not suck this Sunday. I have concerns. They started out the season strong - maybe too strong. Starbuck was stabbing Leobens, Pegasus was blown to bits, Tigh killed his frakking wife and the guy who should be blamed for most of the carnage got to have a three-way with Tricia Helfer and Xena Warrior Princess. But lately I've had the strangest feeling after my weekly voyage with the rag tag fleet. I couldn't put my finger on it until recently, but the feeling was boredom. This show used to snap baby necks with a song in its heart. But now when I've got an angry Boomer threatening Athena over little Hera's crib, all I can do is shrug. The darkness doesn't surprise me anymore - not because I'm dead inside, but because it's just not as entertaining.

So this Sunday I pray to the gods that it doesn't suck.

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