Friday, September 07, 2007


Welcome to Hell. Also known as theatre 3 in the Scotiabank-formerly-known-as-Paramount Cinema. Yes Virginia there is a problem with the air conditioning. The problem is when you pack a bunch of sweaty film festival goers into a theatre without A/C things tend to smell, feel and taste a bit like ass.
On to the films. Both of which I watched in said ass-smelling theatre so I'm afraid my thoughts may be coloured with...well ass.
L'avocat de la terreur was just ok. The first 45 minutes or so were very interesting then the narrative sort of fell apart. Or I fell asleep. Did I mention the heat? But seriously the first bit about the Algerian independence was very well thought out and portrayed, but the end - they made Carlos the Jackal just seem like a jealous boyfriend. And the L'avocat de la terreur just seemed like a guy who likes chicks in peril - especially if said chicks have an affinity for incendiary devices and public spaces.
Joy Division was great. Sad and bittersweet with amazing music and great details like how Saville came up with the album cover for Unknown Pleasures without ever hearing the music. Fun for the whole family. If your family enjoys tales of suicidal punk singers.

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